
This comprehensive, full-body program was designed to help Better Movers feel stronger, more capable, and freer in their movements. This 12-week, 6 phase program includes a bi-weekly upper body and lower body class with a full program workbook document which includes exercise progressions and regression, class frequency recommendations, and more.

Members are recommended to follow the programming 3-5 times per week to see improvements in range of motion, body control, strength and just feeling BETTER.

Phases Break Down:

Phase 1- Intro to Kinstretch. Upper Body: basic overhead shoulder mobility. Lower Body: Hip adduction and abductions.

Phase 2– Upper Body: Shoulder flexion and extension, plus elbow flexion-extension. Lower Body: Hip flexion and extension, knee flexion, and extension.

Phase 3- Joint capsule training. Upper Body: Shoulder rotation, Lower Body: Hip rotation, ankle dorsiflexion.

Phase 4- Upper Body: end-range shoulder adduction, wrist extension, and Spine.  Lower Body: Hip adduction.

Phase 5 – Upper Body: Shoulder abduction and extension, Lower Body: Hip flexion and extension, and knee flexion and extension

Phase 6–  Upper Body: Wrist flexion and elbow rotation, Lower body: knee rotation and ankle inversion.

SKU: 12 weeks Category: