There is pleasure in recognizing old things from a new viewpoint.
Richard Feynman
Remember the 80’s? I sure do. Probably because they kind of lasted until the late 90s for me (thanks to endless hand me downs and basic cable TV reruns). It was a good time filled with big hair, crazy exercise videos, magic 8 balls, Rubix cubes, and door-to-door encyclopedia salesmen. We didn’t have smartphones, we
A Pain in The Back
The Stats Chronic low back pain in American adults has consistently accounted for the largest number of years lived with disability in 1990 and 2010. Health expenditures for adults with spinal problems has been progressively increasing from the 1990s to 2000s and were estimated at roughly $6,000 per person with chronic low back pain in
Rotator Cuff Tears
The rotator cuff is a confluence of 4 muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor. Despite being called the “rotator” cuff, these muscles aren’t major rotators. Their primary function is to keep the head of the humerus depressed and centered into the glenoid fossa. This isn’t to stabilize or limit motion – its to allow
The Athlete We’re Supposed to Be – Rebuilding Our Athletic Identity
Inspired by the teachings in ‘The Brave Athlete: Calm the F*ck Down and Rise to the Occasion’ by Simon Marshall, PhD & Lesley Paterson I just ran the worst 10k race of my life, and I’m okay with it. I am in the process of rebuilding my athletic identity. My athletic identity is how I
Can You “Walk the Walk”?
One major thing that sets humans apart from other animals and organisms on this planet is our ability to walk on two feet. We weren’t always this special. At one time, millions of years ago, we were 4-legged mammals designed for climbing and short-distance travel. Our species slowly evolved to become upright, bipedal endurance machines.
PUMPKIN POWER BALLS Prep time: 5 mins Bake time: 0 mins Ingredients 1 + cup pumpkin purée 1 + cup old-fashioned oats Pumpkin seeds chocolate chips raisins cinnamon We had leftover pumpkin puree, so we made easy pumpkin power balls. Add oats, raisins, chocolate chips, and some cinnamon to pumpkin puree until a cookie
PUMPKIN OAT MUFFINS Prep time: 5 mins Bake time: 18-20 mins Ingredients 6 tbsps coconut oil ⅓ cup maple syrup 2 eggs 1 cup pumpkin purée ¼ cup milk of choice (I used coconut almond milk) 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon ground ginger, ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt
Rehab Redefined
The problem with rehabilitation is the very definition of it. To “rehabilitate” means “to restore to a former capacity.” When it comes to injury rehabilitation, this implies that we are trying to restore someone’s health or capacity to the level they were at pre-injury. However, the state of health or physical capacity pre-injury was not
Redefine ‘Food’ as ‘Fuel’.
The basic concept of food and why we need it is actually quite simple. Unfortunately, due to food processing and borderline criminal marketing, choosing what to eat has become confusing. We’ve lost our basic understanding of what food is, preventing us from making healthy food choices. We’ve been sold the idea of miracle diets (keto,