The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. A healthy hip should be able to move freely in ALL directions. Before a hip can move freely in all direction, it must be able to rotate freely in the socket. Rotation is the fundamental prerequisite for a healthy hip. Once your hip can rotate freely, you can maximize the training benefits of other lower body exercises.
In this Express Class, we will be training hip internal and external rotation to lay down the fundamental building blocks of a healthy, high-functioning hip.
This class is beneficial for:
Assessment findings:
Limited in hip rotation during CARs
Limited hip CARs in general or multiple compensation
General hip joint health
Those with tight/stiff hips
History of low back pain
Proceed with caution if:
History of hip surgery or hip labral tears
Acute hip pain
Closing angle pain or “pinch”*
*This class may be helpful, but it is highly recommended to proceed with caution; start with regressions at low intensities and progress gradually if you feel comfortable doing so. When is doubt, getting a clinical assessment is always advisable.